domingo 28 de marzo de 2010


For all that the world has given us, 60 MINUTES to help it seem little.

 Even though many thought only the big cities and countries would participate, Honduras was an active part of 60 EARTH HOUR in favor of a better world thanks to WWF.
From 8:30 pm (Local hour) to 9:30 pm, buildings turned all their lights off while the population held candles and even formed 60s on the ground with them.
In La Ceiba, the great event took place in UNITEC-CEUTEC's parking lot with a very active schedule which included: A tribute to Don Eulogio Palacios, father of the Palacios football players that have played in known European teams and will be playing on the South Africa World Cup 2010.
After this, the Champion of the First Oratory Contest "Hablando Claro" 2010, Nicole Bardales, recited her winning speech on stage which topic is: "Medio Ambiente y Contaminación" (Enviroment and Pollution). The intention of the speech was to create conscience in society: earth needs us!
MagicBox dancers were an active part too showing all their moves as they danced to the rhythm of known songs to the public.
And one of the most attractive shows was the one of the bikers, men in motorcycles (Harley Davidson style) performed stunts and made noise in name of Earth Hour! The most remarkable part is that children formed this group too and that they did not pollute the environment.
An amazing number of people attender this worldwide event showing that they believe we can still make a difference and our world one step at a time.

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