lunes 20 de septiembre de 2010

Coming Back Stronger than Ever...!

Hey folks… remember how I said I would be back? well, I said that I WAS Back! And here I am! =D
I even feel stronger than before and I’m coming to stay… thank God I have a vacation week atm so I should be able to keep you updated and advance on my many, many, many projects… (oh and did I mention they’re all FREE!)
OK, so it’s really late over here but I could not go to sleep without posting this, I just had it in my mind…
If you are wondering: So, what is it that you do?
Twitter Backgrounds
Icon Sets (to personalize Windows)
Photo Editing
Graphic Editing
Anything I can do with my computer…
Yes, it’s true, if you want me to edit your video for free… I CAN DO IT! I will expand my knowledge to give you the highest quality results I can and YOU WANT!
OK, so now you know… Nicole Bardales is here to stay! 

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